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Performance hyslom: Video Screening & Research Presentations


The first event of OYE! (2012-2013)* will be screeing of "Documentation of Hysteresis," hyslom's video project, with different versions being shown each day. hyslom will also present the results of their research on the people they have met through this project (Mr. Insect, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Security), examining their livelihoods, skills, personalities, and behavior.

hyslom, an artist group, has been periodically exploring three locations that have undergone changes in appearance: a huge new commuter town development that's being built on a reshaped mountain, the campus of their college alma mater, and an industrial waste processing plant that was built in a rural area of their hometown.

At each location, hyslom creates happenings, using their bodies to match the characteristic conditions of that place on that day, and recording the memories of their physical sensations and consciousness in a process called "Documentation of Hysteresis,"* which they are developing as a series, through the use of video, photographs, journals, sketches, and other media. The group aims to bring to the surface the features, systems, natural phenomena, and other things that have disappeared or been hidden as cities and towns transform, and to consider the state of the cities and towns where they currently live.

01_ Screenings and research presentations
(1) Research presentation: Mr. Insect - Friday, Oct. 26th, 2012, 7:30 - 9:00 PM
(2) Research presentation: Mr. Hunter - Saturday, Oct. 27th, 2012, 2:30 - 4:00 PM
(3) Research presentation: Mr. Security - Saturday, Oct. 27th, 2012, 7:30 - 9:00 PM


Since 2009, hyslom (Itaru Kato, Fuminori Hoshino, Yu Yoshida) has been periodically exploring spaces that are undergoing urbanization, with a focus on physically experiencing these changing environments with their bodies. In addition to documenting the process through video and photography, they are experimenting with an array of other methods, including diary-writing, sketching, sculpture, performance, and acting out the roles of the people they have met in the field.

hyslom has shown its work and performances at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (Yamaguchi), MATUO MEGUMI+VOICE GALLERY pfs/w (Kyoto), Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (Melbourne) Kyoto Seika University (Kyoto). hyslom was recently awarded with the first prize for its sound art piece and performance by Aichi Arts Center for Sound Performance (Aichi).
hyslom Website
hyslom Video Essay

*About OYE!

In October 2012, a new project called One Year of Exploration (OYE!) will be launched at Social Kitchen. Each edition of this project will be carried out over the course of a year and led by an individual or group, selected from artists, researchers, farmers, and activists. By conducting experiments in daily life, these selected participants will work to acquire new skills and knowledge, investigate research themes, and develop methods of presentation. Fore more information, please check here.

- Conceived and organized by hanare and Mizuki Endo (Independent Curator).
- English text translated by Alex Enscoe

  • Instructor:
  • Date:Friday, Oct. 26th, Saturday, Oct. 27th 2012
  • Time:
  • Charge:1,000 yen per session