Top > Event > 「静かな音楽を聴く会」AN IMAGINE FROM SIGHT 磯端伸一(ギター)・薬子尚代(ピアノ)

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音楽 「静かな音楽を聴く会」AN IMAGINE FROM SIGHT 磯端伸一(ギター)・薬子尚代(ピアノ)


Shin'ichi Isohata 磯端 伸一 guitar
Naoyo Yakushi 薬子 尚代 piano










薬子尚代 :
卒業後はコンサート活動や後進の指導にあたる。 ザルツブルグのモーツァルテウム音楽院夏季講習にてソロ及び 室内楽の研鑽を積む。帰国後、音楽表現を「心の癒しや開放」という心理的な視点からミュージックセラピー、アートセラピー を学び、セラピストとピアニストを職業にする。 その後、ジャズピアノの基本を青柳洋子氏に師事。 現在 は即興的な表現媒体を通して、音楽表現のみならず日々の生活のシーンで人としての表現をも模索つつ現在に至る。

Naoyo Yakushi :
She graduated from the Osaka Music University (piano department). After college, she has played some concerts, and coached her juniors.
Then, she studied of chamber music and solo at the Mozarteum Academy of Music summer course in Salzburg.
After returning home, she regarded a musical expression as a psychological perspective like "open and healing of the mind", and studied art therapy and music therapy, and has become the professional pianist or therapist.
After that, she studied the basics of jazz piano from Yoko Aoyagi.
Currently, She is continued to explore the representation of the human as well as musical expression through the medium of expression improvised in the scene of daily life.


磯端伸一 :
1962年大阪府出身。12歳の頃よりギターを弾き始める。同時期にジャズのハーモニーやアドリヴに魅かれて、ギターの技術とベーシックな音楽理論を独学 で習得。1982年から'85年まで東京でティム・ドナヒューにフレットレス・ギターとジャズ理論を学ぶ。1985年から高柳昌行氏に師事、高柳氏の私塾 にて氏の亡くなる1991年まで楽器の基礎技術を矯正習得し、高柳氏の音楽美学と哲学を学ぶ。1994年より兵庫県在住。


1996年から始めたseries "EXISTENCE" は、他分野のアーティストとのコラボレーションを含むライフワークであり、時空の美的共有を目指し現在も継続されている。


Shin'ichi Isohata :
He was born in 1962 in Osaka, began to play a guitar from 12 years old, and soon got interested in the harmony and ad-lib of jazz, then began to study them and guitar technique by self-education.

He studied modern jazz theory and fretless guitar technique under Tim Donahue during 1982-'85. After that He studied under Masayuki Takayanagi during 1985-'91, He corrected the foundation of the technique of a guitar thoroughly in Takayanagi's private school, and learned his aesthetics and philosophy of music a lot . Isohata was one of Takayanagi's last few students. He lives in Hyogo since 1994.

His musical activities have many variations, and he has a lot of experiences as costarring with many wonderful musicians. His guitar music consists of Images that are created from the perception, and his original theoretical structure. His music has so delicate calm sound, clear tone, and a Japan beauty. His lifework, series"EXISTENCE" was started from 1996. It aims at sharing of esthetic space with artists of other fields, also it will be continued throughout his life. 






[ part 1 ]

Shin'ichi Isohata guitar solo
■ guitar improvisation
■ "For Aaron Copland" (1981) by Morton Feldman (guitar arrangement by S.Isohata)
This works was composed for solo violin, is not long time(about less than 5 minutes). S.Isohata arranged it for guitar.
■ other original small tunes

Naoyo Yakushi piano solo
■ "The I and Thou" (1988) by Barbara Monk Feldman
Barbara Monk Feldman was married with Morton Feldman in 1987. She is even now continuing to compose very beautiful works although they are not so many.
"The I and Thou" is composed in 1988 when was one year after M.Feldman's demise.
This composition also influenced very much from M.Feldman but already it has fully become her own identification. Naoyo will bring beautiful sounds to you by her tranquil, pure and clear touch.

[ part 2 ]

■ from the soundtrack of the movie “Legacy of Frida Kahlo - Miyako Ishiuchi, as weaving"

■ other some original short pieces for solo or duo


[ 第一部 ]
■ ソロ・ギター・インプロヴィゼーション
■ "For Aaron Copland" (1981) モートン・フェルドマン作曲 (ギター編曲 : 磯端 伸一) バイオリンソロのために作曲された旋律のみの約5分弱の作品です。ギターにアレンジしました。
■ その他オリジナル小品
ギター : 磯端 伸一

■ "The I and Thou" (1988) バーバラ・モンク・フェルドマン作曲
ピアノ : 薬子 尚代

[ 第二部 ]
■ 映画『フリーダカーロの遺品 - 石内都~織るように』サウンドトラックより
■ その他オリジナルのソロ、デュオ小品集








  • 講師:
  • 日程:2015年12月22日(火)
  • 時間:19:00〜
  • 料金:1500円+1drink
  • 企画:kitchen hanare
  • 問合せ
