- 講師:-
- 日程:8月22日(日)
- 時間:13:00〜21:00
- 料金:1,000円 ※18:00からのパーティー&パフォーマンスイベントへの入場料です。軽食込み。
- 企画:
- 問合せ:
* English text follows Japanese.
8月22日(日)、hanareが運営を行うSocial Kitchenが、ついに無理矢理オープン。 Social Kitchenは21世紀型公民館として機能することを目指しています。多様な背景を持つ人たちが、集まり、会話し、議論し、学び、実践する場になればと考えています。 オープンを記念して、以下の概要でパーティーを開きますので、是非遊びに来てください。
・contact Gonzo...カット&シルク印刷したカスタマイズT-シャツ
・NOT PILLAR BOOKS...ジン、アート本の販売
・Social Kitchen Office ...いろいろ
・hanare ...いろいろ
美味しい軽食とお酒をのみながら、Social Kitchenの門出を祝いにきてください。ガレージセールへの参加から引き続き、関西の公演は久しぶりになるcontact Gonzoのパフォーマンスがありつつ、その前後には、解雇、リストラ、他働くこと全般に関する相談ブースを設置しています。労働問題の相談をおこなうNPO法人POSSEの京都支部スタッフが相談を担当してくれています。相談無料ですので、相談ブースをご利用ください。彼らの無料ホットラインは、0120−987−215です。
[場 所] Social Kitchen (京都市上京区相国寺門前町699・地下鉄鞍馬口駅より徒歩5分)
[時 間] 13:00〜21:00
[連絡先] info(at)hanareproject.net / TEL 075−201-1430
[料 金]1,000円
より大きな地図で hanare新物件 を表示
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1階は喫茶&本屋さん、2階はレクチャー、討論会、勉強会、ワークショップ、バザー、ミーティング、展覧会、パーティー等々に使用できるスペース、3階はシェアオフィスとして使用していきます。Social Kitchenを使って何かをしたい人はアイデアを持って来てください。
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Social Kitchen, which hanare manages, will start experimenting as a 21st century social & cultural center in the end of August. Because of its nature as a social and culture center, "Kominkan" in Japanese, it is not intended to be the place where few people conceive and organize everything, but the place where those who have says and things to do conceive and organize by/for themselves. In this way, we might be able to diminish the kind of hierarchy between those who always organize and those who always participate. Social Kitchen fully functions and evolves only if people with diverse background gather, deliver ideas, experiment, and spontaneously intervene into each other, which will eventually make everyone's ideas and actions more complex, convivial, social and beautiful.
In upcoming months, meetings, performances, study groups, exhibitions, music events, conferences, lectures/workshops, political debates, table tennis, kids club etc... will be happening. Email us if you have ideas.
Please come check out clothes for woman, books, customized T-shirts, and other things... We will also give you a short tour of the building. * Lemonade, ginger ale and cookies will accompany the garage sale.
699 Shokokuji Monzen-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto.
* 5min from both Kuramaguchi and Karasuma Imagegawa Stations.
Hours] 13:00〜21:00
[Contact] info(at)hanareproject.net / 075−201-1430
[Admission] 1,000円 *This is for the party and performance from 18:00
Please check out more details www.hanareproject.net
+ Please come to Social Kitchen by public transportation or find a parking space near by if you are coming by bike.。
++ Please be aware that Social Kitchen is located in the middle of residential area.
Respect our neighbors!!!
+++ Bringing food and drinks is greatly appreciated.
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Social Kitchen has community café and bookstore (1F), space that can be used for lectures/workshops, debates, study groups, bazaar, exhibitions, meetings and parties (2F), shared office (3F). If you have any idea for Social Kitchen, please email us.
Started as a weekly café in 2006, hanare is a project that collectively and dynamically searches out ways of realizing a better world, through the weekly coffee house project, "Kissahanare," workshops, lectures and political visual projects. It attempts to engage with the emergent social issues relevant to life today: food, art, politics, urban planning, cultural theory, farming, and more! hanare also works together with people from various fields who are experimenting with creative projects to find ways of practicing a new, spontaneous way of living. While hanare's work has its roots firmly in Kyoto, it also wishes to be a space with direct links to other regional towns and cities in the world, and an independent place where critique and creativity are nurtured. www.hanareproject.net
(NC) All materials on this website are not copyrighted.