- 講師:-
- 日程:2009年4月18日(土)
- 時間:16:00〜22:00
- 料金:2,000円(1ドリンク&スナック)
- 企画:
- 問合せ:
[English text follows Japanese]
暮らし革命 / Life Revolution
[日時]2009年4月18日(土) 16:00〜22:00
[場所]anchovie Cafe 3F Space
[料 金]2,000円(1ドリンク&スナック)
[共催]RAD (Research for Architecture and Design), Open University
hanare といえばパーティー。 美味しい軽食と飲み物、お腹が空いている人にはしっかりフードも準備しています。だらだら、ワイワイお楽しみください。途中参加もOKです。気軽にお越しください。
□大原からの野菜・味噌販売 〈16:00〜〉
□トーク 〈17:00-19:30〉
□ライブ 〈20:30-21:00〉
高嶺 格
美術作家。1990年代初頭より、個人およびグループでパフォーマンスなどを行い、ダムタイプの作品にも参加する。舞台芸術などの空間造形にも関わり、身体を主軸にして様々なメディアを駆使しながら多彩な作品を発表している。主な作品に、「木村さん」や、コモン・センスを巡る現在の混迷した状況を表現したインスタレーション「ビッグ・ブロウ・ジョブ」、2トンにも及ぶ粘土を使用したクレイアニメーション「God Bless America」など。「性」の問題にも触れながら、異なる背景や価値観を持つ他者への接触と困惑、更に相互理解を志向するプロセスを表現している。最近の展覧会に、山口情報芸術センター(YCAM)で開催された大友良英展「ENSEMBLES」の共同制作作品、せんだいメディアテークでの「大きな休息」がある。www.takaminet.com
廣瀬 純
1971年、東京生まれ。1999年、パリ第3大学映画視聴覚研究科博士課程中退。現在、龍谷大学経営学部専任講師、仏・映画批評誌「Vertigo」編集委員。著書に『美味しい料理の哲学』(河出書房新社、2005年)、『闘争の最小回路―南米の政治空間に学ぶ変革のレッスン』(人文書院、2006年)、『闘争のアサンブレア』(Colectivo Situacionesとの共著、月曜社、2009年3月刊行予定)、『シネキャピタル』(洛北出版、2009年4月刊行予定)など。訳書にパオロ・ヴィルノ『マルチチュードの文法』(月曜社、2004年)、トニ・ネグリ『芸術とマルチチュード』(月曜社、2007年、共訳)/『未来派左翼―グローバル民主主義の可能性をさぐる(上・下)』(日本放送出版協会[NHKブックス]、2008年)など。
坂口 恭平
1978年熊本県生まれ。早稲田大学理工学部建築学科卒業。小学生時代、学習机を巣のように改造して遊ぶ体験から建築家を志すも、次第に建築家なしの建築へ興味を持つようになる。1999年、渋谷区に建っていた公団の屋上にある貯水タンクに棲む。2004年、卒業論文として作った路上生活者の家を調査した写真集『0円ハウス』をリトルモアより出版。2005年、小説の中に描かれた空間を文字から絵に変換する「立体読書」シリーズ開始。東京の庭の無い場所に作られた庭「四次元ガーデン」を採集開始。2006年、カナダのバンクーバー美術館にて初個展。ペンとインクで都市を描き始める「DIg-Ital」。2007年、ケニアのナイロビで開催された世界社会フォーラムに参加し、鉄屑とダンボールで自転車彫刻を制作。2008年、隅田川に住む都市採集生活の達人鈴木さんと出会い、彼の生活を記録した『TOKYO 0円ハウス0円生活』を大和書房より出版。その後、初めての小説『隅田川のエジソン』も青山出版社より出版。www.0yenhouse.com
遠藤 水城
キュレーター。ARCUS Projectディレクター。フリーランスのキュレーターとして世界各地で活躍。art space tetra(2004/福岡)、Future Prospects Art Space(2005/マニラ)、遊戯室(2007/水戸)など、アートスペースの設立にも携わる。2004-2005年、日本財団APIフェローとしてフィリピンおよびインドネシアに滞在。2005年国際的な若手キュレーターに贈られる「Lorenzo Bonaldi Art Prize」受賞。「Singapore Biennale 2006」ネットワーキング・キュレーター。2007年、Asian Cultural Councilフェローで米国に滞在。2009年、フランスのVassiviere Art Centerで曽根 裕個展「スノー・レオパード・ガーデン」を企画。11月に開催される横浜国際映像祭キュレーター。共訳書にジェイムズ・クリフォード『ルーツ―20世紀後期の旅と翻訳』(月曜社)がある。東京芸術大学非常勤講師。
Life Revolution
Utilizing creativity to the max in an attempt to change the failings of society and create alternative models for the now: these kinds of projects seem to be springing up all over the world. hanare (see profile) has been active in the Sakyo district of Kyoto as a "convivial community café", a forum for conversation and chat, a alternative venue wishing to be a part of this bigger movement. On the occasion of our third anniversary we will be throwing a party on April 18th. It will be a day for long, bantering consideration of another society and way of living, those both artistic and beautiful, and inclusive of individual lifestyles and even global conditions. As the food and drink is served throughout the day there will be talks from guests unique and unconventional: Kyohei Sakaguchi (Artist), Tadasu Takamine (Artist), Jun Hirose (Assistant professor of Ryukoku University) and Mizuki Endo (Independent curator). Further, there will be a music performance by Kyohei Sakaguchi, and vegetables and home-made miso from Ohara will be on sale. April 18th will be a day incoherent (!) and grandiose, an event representative of Sakyo-ku's complexity and diversity - and one for the whole district to get together.
[Date&Time] 2009.4.18(Sat.) 16:00〜22:00
[Location] anchovie Cafe 3F Space
[Address] Tanaka nishi okubo-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
[Access] 30m north from the Eiden Mototanaka Station
[Admission] 2000 yen (including 1 drink and light food)
[Contact] info(at)hanareproject.net
[Co-Hosting] RAD (Research for Architecture and Design), Open University
*For us to know how many people are coming, please email us if you are planning to join the party
*There are Anchovi Cafe (Italian Restaurant) and OKUTE (Bar) located in the same building. Escaping the party for a while, and enjoy their food and drinks there too!
- Party 16:00-22:00
One of hanare's specialities is hosting a party! There will be finger food and drinks, and extra food plates (not included in the admission fee) for hungry people,. Please enjoy the day of endless conversations and laughing.
- Vegetable & Miso Stand from Ohara 16:00-
Organic vegetable and miso produced by Village Trust Tsukuda Farm, will be on sale.
- Talk 17:00-19:30
Art is about creativity and a critical eye, both of which are indispensable to imagining new societies and practicing new ways of living. We invite guest speakers who address the question of "how art holds power in society" and take different approaches to tackling the subject. We want this party to be an opportunity for us to talk and exchange many, many ideas.
- Live 20:30-21:00
Acoustic live music by Kyohei Sakaguchi. He will be singing the songs he mastered in Nairobi, Kenya.
Tadasu Takamine
Artist. Since the beginning of the 1990s Takamine has presented work across diverse genre, including performance, installation, video and even crafts. He was also a member of the seminal artist collective, Dumb Type. His works 'Kimura-San' (Mr. Kimura), 'Big blow job', and 'God Bless America' show the process of his desire to encounter others from different backgrounds and with different values, the difficulty of this and his desire for mutual understanding. Takamine's most recent works are the pieces he created in collaboration with Yoshihide Otomo for Otomo's 'ENSEMBLES' exhibition at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, and 'Big Rest' shown at Sendai Mediateque. www.takaminet.com/
Jun Hirose
Jun Hirose was born in 1971 in Tokyo. He left his doctoral studies at the department of cinema and audiovisual at University of Paris III (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle). Hirose is a member of the French cinema critique magazine, Vertigo. His past and upcoming books include Philosophie de la bonne chère (2005), Le Plus Petit Circuit de la lutte (2006), Asambleas en lucha (2009), Du ciné-capital (2009). Hirose's translation works are Paolo Virno's Grammatica della moltitudine (2004), Toni Negri's Arte e Multitudo (2004),and Goodbye Mr. Socialism (2008). He currently teaches in the faculty of business administration at Ryukoku University in Kyoto.
Kyohei Sakaguchi
Kyohei Sakaguchi was born in 1978 in Kumamoto. He majored in Architecture at Waseda University. His interest in "architecture without architects" originates from his childhood experiences of converting his study desk into a play den. In 1999 he lived in a water tank on the roof of a public apartment in Shibuya. Sakaguchi published his first book, 0 Yen House, in 2004, his graduate thesis that investigates the creative houses of "homeless" people. Kyohei had his first solo exhibition at Vancouver Museum in 2006, and in 2007 he participated in the World Social Forum, creating "bicycle sculpture" made from recycled iron and cardboard. A fateful meeting with Mr. Suzuki, a genius living by the Sumidagawa River in Tokyo, inspired him to publish the book, Tokyo 0 Yen house, 0 Yen Life, a documentation of Mr. Suzuki's everyday life. He also published his first novel, Edison at Sumidagawa River. www.0yenhouse.com
Mizuki Endo
Curator, art critic and organizer based in Tokyo. Endo has organized exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, symposiums, workshops and magazines, raising awareness of alternative art as a micro socio-political activity that underpins cultural life. He has established three alternative art spaces in Asia: Art Space Tetra in Fukuoka, Future Prospects Art Space in Manila, and PLAYROOM in Mito. In 2005, Endo was awarded the 3rd Lorenzo Bonaldi Art Prize, the award for international young curators. He is currently the director of ARCUS Project, an art center with an international artist-in-residence program in Ibaraki, Japan. Endo's upcoming work as an independent curator includes the exhibition/project "The Snow Leopard Garden - Yutaka Sone", at Ile de Vassiviere Art Center in Limousin and the Yokohama International Moving Image Festival in Yokohama.
Started as a weekly café in 2006 and now entering its fourth year, hanare is a project space that collectively and dynamically searches out ways of realizing a better world, through workshops, lectures and political visual projects. It attempts to engage with the emergent social issues relevant to life today: food, art, politics, urban planning, cultural theory, farming, and more! hanare also works together with people from various fields who are experimenting with creative projects to find ways of practicing a new, spontaneous way of living. While hanare's work has its roots firmly in the local Sakyo district of Kyoto, it also wishes to be a space with direct links to other regional towns and cities in the world, and an independent place where critique and creativity are nurtured. hanare continues to expand its effort to be a 21st century social & cultural center.
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